Today @DEADBEEF, yes even @DEADBEEF said he was able to connect a wallet to Stacker news via @supratic guide but he forgot to mention the ONE step needed that's not listed in the guide.
For me, it didn't say
Profile Details > With an arrow to expand.
But I figured it out! I just had to click on my name, and then my lightning address appeared to click on! In his guide, he has the profile page url circled, but that's not what you want, it's the lightning address. And it looks like the presentation has updated so that's right at the top, which is great!

And then this is a nit pick, but his screenshot says set minimum to 10% withdrawal fee, but the text says 1%, so I did 1% (But I wonder what is best? I don't want failed transactions!). Also, the first time you set this up, instead of it saying "save" it says "attach"

Also, did you see that under my profile it doesn't display my NOSTR Wallet Connect (NWC) code? Here is the missing step:
You have to click this settings gear icon.
In @supratic guide it says
et voilá! Your sats are now out of SN node!
But I think it should say
So I would definitely add this as a disclaimer!
As soon as you hit that yellow "attach" button to receive, I saw this on my CoinOS wallet:

And my SN wallet balance in the top right showed 0!

So be triple sure you know your password to your CoinOS wallet! Logout and log back in. Like @supratic says it's a gift and a curse that there's no email or kyc needed, but if you lose your password you lose your sats. Be triple sure you got it memorized because otherwise you just lost your ENTIRE SN BALANCE.
And then why CoinOS is best for iPhone is because you can launch it in a web browser, but of course the "Add to Homescreen" doesn't do anything useful (doesn't save a login) so don't bother.

browser and it works very well.