We all hate one tax or another, or even all of them. However, it seems there is no way to escape them without getting some consequences applied by the state. So, which is the one you would like to exccape the most due to hating it the most?
Federal Income26.3%
Social Security0.0%
State Income0.0%
Value Added10.5%
Capital Gains21.1%
Other - explain in chat15.8%
19 votes \ poll ended
All of the above. Taxation is theft.
infrastructure, roads, education, hospitals, and emergency services can all be funded directly.
It's already known that private sector does a better job. Go to a private hospital vs a government hospital and you will see the difference.
Yes, but perfection is the enemy of the possible. Is there a step you would take to begin the process of getting rid of all taxes?
right away with sound money which can only be issued by proof of work
OK, that could be a first step. A necessary first step.
The ones where someone else thinks they have a right to anything that I earned for no reason. I'm a ghost.
You don't want to pay for free education, roads, libraries and other infrastructure, defense and environmental protections?
Free, FREEEEEEE! Yes, everything for free. But my only question is if it is free to you who is paying for it? TANSTAAFL
No thank you. I want I live in nature in a small communities where we don't need any of those "services". We can make our own roads and teach our own children. And the rest of it is nonsense to me. Just my opinion. I know other people want to live differently than I do.
Largely agree with you and you can do that but not everyone has that choice to get out from the city. Even living in the country can appreciate some public services like libraries...although the internet and e-books have reduced their value perhaps. Definitely good to reduce our dependence upon the state and live as free and independently as we can - its a great feeling being more self reliant.
But still, Mr. Taxman will come for YOU for whatever you have. Robbers have no barriers to their greed. Those “services” can be provided by someone, NOT the state.
Personally I don't feel overtaxed but IMO most workers and consumers are paying more tax than they should while very wealthy rich pricks fund politicians to give them tax cuts.
The private sector will never provision sound foreign policy, trade negotiations, military, policing, major infrastructure, fundamental science research etc.
A mixed economy with mostly free markets and some state provision is the ideal. To achieve this you need an involved public who participate in the democratic process- something that becomes difficult over time but something that we can all contribute to.
The wealthy rich pricks like to foster the belief that all politics is corrupt and so make citizens cynical and disengaged- all the better for their crony capitalism. This is what is destroying liberal western democracies as much as anything else.
Don’t they think that they have the right to everything you own and earn, even your body? Sure looked like it in 2020.
Yeah. 2020 was when I saw the writing on the wall and left the city.
I wasn’t quite in that situation, myself, however, a farm in the country with a mote around it would be perfect!
Yes. We still have a lot of work to be more self sustaining. With food especially.
Listen to Joe Salatin to get inspired! Brilliant podcast about regenerative farming. Relates too so well to your post the other day about 'do cows have feelings'.
He has some really great ideas. I would like to be able to revive land as he does. Where I live, we have a few inches of topsoil and everything under that is really beautiful sand — it would be great for rammed earth buildings but not a lot else.
Yes am on similar land with mostly stone/rocks (glacial and river wash) beneath the thin layer of windblown topsoil- however am hoping with trees and livestock to get things working. Already the soil is improving and have a garden growing most of our vegetables. Previously the land was a monoculture and the soil is seriously depleted but over time it can be rebuilt. Just digging kitchen scraps and manure into the soil gets things started.
I look at intensive gardening practices now. We also do hydroponics, when I can get out to the garden in my backyard.
Awesome. That's a great skill
I read North Dakota put abolishing property tax on the ballot this election year. Be very interesting to see if it passes.
Why wouldn’t it pass? What a great idea to do! I wish other places could do the same!! I think people will be climbing over each other to get to the ballots to kill that tax!!
As with anything a $3.3B budget hole will form and state services may falter.
State doesn’t know how to fill that Gap
Why not let them cut state spending and leave everything to the markets to take care of? There could be a lot of state workers axed from the payroll and made to live on the markets.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 22h
Sounds logical but markets aren’t always efficient at allocating human labor.
Yes, I guess we could go full government control of the labor battalions as well as the deployment of all capital. Yes, definitely a winning combination, full control!
Property tax for me - you mean I have to keep paying for land that I already bought? Then that means I don’t really own it and I’m just renting it from the state. Where I live there isn’t a value added tax but if there was that would be a close second.
I feel your pain on that one!!! It is a total rip off adjusted by the state appraisers. They don’t use the proper measure, local comparable properties. Therefore the taxes are basically a scam.
I generally hate taxes more the less avoidable they are. Property taxes are probably the least avoidable.
Yes, but it looks like the federal government, under the current regime, is willing to put a capital gains tax on Bitcoin, of all things!!
Good luck with that. They also try to tax tips and yard sales.
I guess they will try to steal (tax) anything that is not tied down well!
Property tax is hilarious.
It may be hilarious to you, but if you get hit by it every single damn year, you might laugh out the other side of your face. There is serious money being taken for property you are paying on or have paid off. No fun at all. If you have no mortgage, you have to write a check directly to your county each half and deliver it to the clerk. It is a different matter if you are paying a mortgage and tax and insurance through those escrow accounts! You pay monthly vs. twice a year. Again, no fun.
Your assuming I don't have a mortgage.
I also think your assuming that by "hilarious" I meant fun, or right, or enjoyable, or cool, or justified, or good.
By "hilarious" I meant retarded, stupid, worthy of derision and mockery.
I chose property tax as the tax I hated most.
Apologies for the confusion Apologies for inciting a two paragraph rebuttal of the use of the word "hilarious" in regards to taxes which I deem to be silly...... Apologies if "silly" is an inappropriate word to describe clown world nonsense.
No apologies necessary. It was my mistake to take ‘hilarious’ as I did. I guess I am coming from the same place as you are. I have had to pay it both ways and both ways are too many ways. As you can see from my NYM, I am no fan of any tax or government.
All good brother.
Value added as it is a stealth tax on productive activity- it is another income tax on production.
I hate all of them, but tax on property is the worst, because it ensures absolutely nothing can ever be truly yours, not even if you buy it in all law.
I agree, what is yours is yours and whaat is mine is mine. Those tax collectors think differently. What’s yours is theirs and what is theirs is theirs. I have also heard this said about older sisters and younger sisters.
all of them
Yep, at tax is a tax, just like a theft is a theft (but I repeat myself).
As I recall, aren’t tax collectors the most despised of people, according to religious writings? Always getting disrupted and such.