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Many of are familiar with this famous scene from the first Matrix movie. A young boy who is apparently being groomed among other mystical children, explains to the foolish man that there is no spoon, implying that nothing is real.
What does this mean to you? How does it relate to your human experience if at all? What is "real" to you? Is anything truly objective truth within this experience?
Merelogical nihilism.
There literally is no spoon. Just metal configured for the transport of soup to mouth or grease to jar.
Metal, soup, mouths, grease, and jars also do not exist.
This is part of the gnostic deception, everything is an illusion. Truly flee this deception. There is objective truth and beauty as there is good and bad.
I think there is more than one way to look at it and I hear what you are saying. What one judges as good, another may judge as bad. Real truth comes from within. And there is a good and bad in that space.
All is Mind. The Universe is Mental ---ancient hermetic teachings.
A great older post by @artdesignbySF that feels fitting here. Check it out. #279060
And another from @kepford #455338