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Language - What not to do

​The global legal system is designed to strip you of your status. With your status lowered or even completely removed, your rights, freedoms and property will be next.
To combat this attack you need to have three areas of your life under full control, the first being your mind-set, and the later being your paperwork, but one area most people fail at is their language.
It is language that is the primary tool that is used to strip you of your humanity and turn you into a slave; although everything that happens to you does require your consent, you just don’t know it.
Syntax, words, phrases and even the tone within your voice are used against you.
Simple questions that you unwittingly answer will be your undoing.
The meaning of some words will have a different connotation to what you may think they have. Therefore you will be agreeing to something entirely different to what you may believe.
Language will be used to try and attach titles to you, in a means to lower your status. Do not allow this.
rediscovery of language and its occult meanings is one of my favorite topics i found thru bitcoin. language alone is a very poor way of communication, especially the anglish language. it's a pretty efficient coding language, so that people can code-program each other.
code can be used for good or for bad.