I'm very bullish on Block... but don't love this. I guess USDC is the lesser of the two evils when compared to USDT...but still.
I do buy the idea that stablecoins are a step in mass adoption... but still...
stablecoin serve a much bigger need for a lot of people, especially given how strong USD is right now which could trigger a lot of economy disasters elsewhere
Agree… stable coins are not going away in the near term. They also offer on/off ramps for Bitcoin. I understand why… just not happy with who.
What problem does ID solve? Becase being a stranger is not a problem for the simple reason that someone who is in possesion of an ID is capable of the excact same crimes as someone who isnt. You could argue its a deterrent, but its not. ID requirements are only a inconvenience to a criminal. And you may argue yea but if we didnt have ID then everyone would commit crimes every day..
There's a division of Circle that deals with decentralized identity things in general, so I am not surprised that this partnership based on pre-existing relationships formed. I wouldn't think too much of it. What does a partnership even mean.