Trying to keep tabs on the latest cool stuff across Bitcoin, Lightning, RSK, Stacks and Liquid. Here's a TLDR of what I saw this last week.
Bitcoin Proper: -El Salvador starts a bond buyback program to dispel fears of defaulting -Spiral launches a block explorer with top-notch privacy. Public block explorers may be doxxing some of your info.
Lighting: -Taro alpha code is released! -LNProxy is a new tool making Lightning payments more private. -THNDR Games releases a new bitcoin enabled game, the classic card game solitaire.
Stacks: -Stacks 2.1 gets closer to production. Bringing much tighter integrations to Bitcoin mainchain. -.BTC decentralized identities are getting popular
RSK: -Fluid is a new startup building on top of Sovryns ZERO lending protocol to make it easier to borrow against your BTC in a decentralized way. -Sovryn continues to move their application to Graph Protocol for application data.
Hopefully you find this as useful as it is for me. You can read the whole post with links to everything mentioned here.
So hyped for Taro personally. I think in 10 years. Western Union and PayPal HAVE to either drop fees to near zero, integrate Lightning or risk going extinct.
E91: This Week in Bitcoin for September 28th, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)