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I'm watching a conservative and religious video on YouTube. I decide to use my phone to read the comments.
I see this ad that I've never seen before:
I do some research and flag it as pornographic and pedophilia is the exact language I use to clarify this.
Here's the vendor who paid to sponsor the ad:
About this advertiser Advertiser identity verified by Google Advertiser Ex-Human, Inc Location United States
So the company is called "Ex-Human". Wow!
Can you get any more dystopian?
The product is some kind of chat AI thing. Where do you think it will lead the person who uses this product?
I think if I was severely depressed I might fall for this kind of nonsense. I've traveled to some dark corners of this world and I'm grateful that God protected me. It's so awful and evil. Seriously, this is a Fiat Currency product. Easy money for those who wish to destroy humanity. Every day is a wake up call for me.
I look forward to having this nonsense rejected by more people. Why does Google and YouTube need this? Because they are not based.
fuck this dystopia
I understand. Our actions are the tools to circumnavigate this nonsense.
Here's the website for the vendor Ex-Human, Inc. https://exh.ai/#customers
Look at who their customers are.