feedbin is also a great service for syncing rss reeding feeds across clients on multiple devices
What would it take to save RSS from a slow death?
I'm an avid RSS user but I feel alone in that. I honestly don't see a bright future ahead for it and expect more and more blogs and sources to not offer a RSS feed.
I've heard about RSS being talked about alot lately in regards to "Podcasting 2.0," which has married RSS and the Lightning Network, to try to compete with companies like Spotify who wants to ditch an open protocol for a walled garden. Possibly as social media censorship continues, it may see a resurgence. People try to launch new social media sites all the time. Usually there is a chicken or the egg problem and making one interoperal with RSS might be a way to gain some traction from the big guys.
This is really nice. I've recently moved to using Thunderbird (as well as Proton Bridge) for my email and I also have been making use of its ability to be a RSS reader. For me, this is ideal because I always have a window open for my email and to have the feeds right there as well is a win.