It has been 3 and a half months since the presidential elections in Venezuela, the protests have ceased, people continue with their lives as if nothing had happened, they plan their vacations (those who can), they talk about the recent soccer and baseball games, they wonder who will be the singers that will give concerts next year, others are already saving money for Christmas dinner and so on, people turn the page, another electoral fraud, people who died and were unjustly imprisoned are forgotten. This is how the psychology of dictatorships works, they give you an air of false hope that you can compete with them (elections), then the euphoria increases when citizens realize that they are united for a common good and feel powerful, then comes the phase in which they snatch away all your illusions, they break your faith by kidnapping and killing your acquaintances/relatives, they make you look like an idiot by telling you that you lost and you should bow your head, you have 2 options, obey and be thankful that they didn't kill you or flee the country. The best example to explain this situation is to compare it with relationships based on violence: They shower you with love and then hit you, they hug you and then tell you you're worthless, they shower you with love again, then hit you again and say it's your fault.
In every presidential election a new messiah is born, and all citizens blindly follow him in the hope that he will save them, in the hope that he will save the country. They praise him as if he were gods and get offended if you question him. They are not capable of having a critical thought regarding the situation, they do not ask themselves who these people are that they are following, they do not ask themselves about their past or their curriculum. In every presidential election like this, first there was the candidate Manuel Rosales, second Capriles, third Leopoldo Lopez, fourth Guido and finally Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez. If we review the curriculum of the people mentioned above, we will realize that ALL of them, absolutely all of them, belong to socialist parties, even Capriles and Edmundo Gonzalez publicly admired Hugo Chavez.
The Venezuelan "opposition" has never been interested (nor does it suit them) in the fall of the dictatorship. They are the first beneficiaries. I have mentioned it on other occasions and I repeat it. This is just a macabre game in which they sacrifice the lives of Venezuelans. They live and eat at the expense of the suffering of the citizens. To end the dictatorship, the supposed opponents must first be eliminated. They get rich from donations to their political parties and they get rich from the deals they make with the government.
After July 28, more than 2,000 people were detained (kidnapped), including hundreds of teenagers and people with serious illnesses, in addition to the hundreds of people killed. At the end of all this, the president-elect Edmundo González left the country on a Spanish air force plane. The Spanish government calmly sent him an exclusive plane for him and his wife to take him to Venezuela to Spain. The dictatorship agreed with this, they let him go peacefully and even photos and audios of Edmundo talking as friends with the Rodriguez brothers (Maduro's ministers) were leaked. Edmundo Gonzalez is now touring Europe with his family, eating at the most expensive restaurants, while thousands of Venezuelans are being tortured at this very moment as you read this. If they had any decency, they should at least ask for the release of these people as a deal to let him go into exile.
Regarding María Corina, no one knows her whereabouts. She says she is in Venezuela, but there are doubts. She continues to give empty statements and speeches and even admitted not knowing if Edmundo would take office as president on January 10, 2025. The most outrageous and unscrupulous thing she could do was to upload a photo with the shirt of her favorite baseball team and say:
Despite everything, people also need to relax and recharge their energy. And where better than in the stadium, where nobody has ever silenced us. So, you know, enjoy your game, shout loud and without fear... and may the Lions win!!!
The shamelessness and cynicism is so great, how dare she say such a dialogue, when there are mothers crying for their children killed for defending votes that benefit her, how dare she say that "we have to relax" when there are mothers, grandmothers, fathers outside the prisons crying out for their imprisoned children who are being vilely tortured, deprived of any contact with their families. It is outrageous, politicians do not even bother to hide it. While Maria Corina was making suggestions for people to distract themselves by watching a baseball game, Nicolás Maduro on the other hand is in Russia at a BRICS meeting.
It is a complex situation to explain, on the one hand you can see Venezuelans as cowards who have not fought enough and that is why the dictatorship continues, on the other hand I heard a podcast in which a guy said that Venezuelans have the strength to remove tyrants from power, since there is talk of people who are capable of crossing the Darien jungle are perfectly capable of overthrowing them, but there has not been a real political opposition leadership. I think, why should we expect a group of politicians to guide and direct us? People get tired of fighting in vain and prefer to bow their heads and get on with their lives.
If you are wondering if there is any progress that brings Venezuela closer to freedom, the answer is no.
Something I cannot forget to mention is that the Venezuelan opposition also wants to give this responsibility of "liberating the country" to other governments, such as the United States, or leave the work to organizations such as the OEA or the ONU.
They are simply useless. Everything is disgusting corruption, from international prosecutors, presidents of organizations, senators of other governments to representatives of the political opposition, everything is based on endless money laundering from which only they benefit.
I repeat, the ONLY way to get rid of this is for the Venezuelan people to kill all the corrupt people in the country, both from the tyranny and the "opposition", a purge basically, otherwise it will never happen, no government or blue helmets will help. We are a reflection of Cuba and we all know what the situation is like there, they continued waiting for help that never came and will never come.
Since early Saturday morning, Nicolás Maduro's dictatorship began to release some political prisoners. All of them innocent, kidnapped for the sole reason of asking for democracy. I say release because none of them are really free, just as the country is not. They are tortured with beatings, electric shocks, isolation, threats to their families and fed rotten food.
These few releases do not occur because there is impartial justice in Venezuela, but because a technical commission of the ICC is in the country. They do so, moreover, after the death of Jesús Martínez Medina, slowly murdered by the criminal Chavista regime by denying him medical attention while in custody.
Unfortunately, Jesús Manuel Martinez Medina died at the hands of the tyranny. He was arrested in the municipality of Aragua, Anzoátegui on July 29. He was taken from his home for being a witness at the polling station. He was in serious health and the regime denied him medical attention. One of his legs became infected as you can see in the photo and he died as a result of complications. He was sick with type II diabetes and a heart problem. His mother tried by all means to have his case heard and to have him released as a humanitarian measure, but it did not happen. This young man fought until the last minute for his life, this cruel regime slowly ruined him.
Jesús Manuel did not have the privilege of leaving Venezuela on an exclusive plane to be comfortable in Spain. Jesús Manuel was imprisoned for trusting in the process of María Corina and the false opposition leadership that ultimately abandoned him.
When barbarism is in charge of deciding who will or will not be in its torture centers, one release is synonymous with other captures, this is what is known as the "revolving door" because on one side 100 innocent people leave prison and on the other side another 200 innocent people enter.
This is a report of an eviction without the presence of a judge or public prosecutor in Los Teques, Miranda State, in a violent manner. The woman's cell phone was taken from her and she was thrown out of the house along with a 4-year-old child.
They were left on the street without being able to take their belongings.
Petro reports that Barranquilla native Alex Saab, now a minister under Maduro, made the decision to sell Monómeros, the Venezuelan subsidiary of Pequiven, which is based in Barranquilla.

Your Excellency Mr. President: I respectfully and kindly wish to express my opposition to the decision of the Minister of Industry and National Production of Venezuela, Alex Nain Saab Morán, to sell and privatize the company Monómeros. For more than five decades, the public company Monómeros has benefited Colombian and Venezuelan farmers through the production and sale of agricultural inputs at a fair price. Currently, the marketing of Monómeros Urea guarantees the productivity of their lands for millions of Venezuelan and Colombian families. It also ensures them sufficient income to have a decent life. The privatization and sale of Monómeros will lead to higher prices for primary agricultural products in our countries. In addition, it will force our farmers to depend on foreign products and the price of agricultural inputs on the international market. There is no doubt that this decision could condemn millions of people who represent the basis of food sovereignty in our region to poverty and hunger. For the above reasons, I would like to invite you to reconsider the privatization of the company that has provided and can continue to provide support to millions of families in our countries. With my sincere appreciation and consideration,
Edmundo González in Brussels: “If expectations are met, on January 10 we will be taking office as the new government in Venezuela, which will restore Venezuelan democracy.”
He is not saying that he will take office on 10E. With that "IF" (without accent, conditional) he is making an assumption, a hypothesis about the future. And accompanied as always by the political dinosaur Ledezma, they are a team, inseparable friends. "If expectations are met."