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Thanks for the mention and forward with appreciation. I'm glad you're enjoying the Cricket Pool as much as I do.
I was also planning to post a few words of CAUTION asking Stackers to do a recheck of their runs. I also do double check before posting the runs but you know it's manual and I'm human.
Thanks for your effort. I really appreciate but I can't zap this post.
I really appreciate but I can't zap this post.
No worries, I am just trying to help. I could not imagine I was going to have fun with cricket.
You can zap anon.
I've never done that, not even in fun. I'll zap him from @SN_MusicPool account.
The fun part is that I got back 80%. Haha
I think you deserve it!
I understand your point and I really appreciate it. Thanks again. Can you please point out which round had me commit the mistake in counting?
I think that it was correct up to round 6, where he had 17. Then, in the 7th round, he got 3 runs and it should appear 20 ,instead of 21.
In the sixth round she (not he) had 18. #771625
Sorry my mistake you are right. In round 5, she had 16. Then in round 6 , she got 1 run and appears 18
she (not he)
My apologies!
Thanks. I got it. I'll mend it in the next round and in future double double check before posting runs.
I'm not doing this on a sheet because it consumes more time on my tiny screen of mobile. I did it for convenience and because it was a mistake in total I doubt I first calculated more runs for the round and while recalculating I forgot to minus the correction from total.
I now think it'd be better to do the calculation on a spreadsheet.