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Here's the latest update of my unofficial Stacker News Media Kit 1.0
This is the follow up to the original media kit v 0.1
The purpose of a media kit is to provide tools to portray SN in a way that we want to be portrayed.
A media kit typically includes brand logos, color hex codes, fonts, brand language, video intros, production templates, website banners, etc. for brand continuity across the entire web. This media kit doesn't have all of that yet but we can create that through iteration.
This media kit can be shared with anyone who is interested in linking to or otherwise sending traffic to Stacker News. This includes writers, YouTubers, influencers, podcasters, makers, companies, and even for use on print media.
Use this media kit at your discretion to drive traffic to your favorite territory, profile page, post, or even just your referral link to SN.
If you would like to add something specific to the media kit, leave a comment and we can get it added to the next update. In FOSS fashion, I want to build this with others.

Brand Logo

All of these logos use these color hex codes.
SN Yellow: #f8da5e SN Black: #000000 SN White: #ffffff
All of these can be resized up or down using a tool like Image Resizer: https://imageresizer.com/

Brand Name Logo

Yellow Text - Black Background

Yellow Text - No Background

Black Text - Yellow Background

Black Text - No Background

Black SN - Yellow Background

Black SN - No Background

Yellow SN - Black Background

Yellow SN - No Background

970 x 250

728 x 90

320 x 50

250 x 250

320 x 250

300 x 600

Please don't be shy. If you want to contribute to this media kit, please just comment with ideas, recommendations, images, brand lingo, etc.
Absolutely savage.
I didn’t realize how many colors there are on the site but your colors palette is awesome.
So glad that I’m not alone in this initiative.
I am not too crazy about the Tag line "earn sats for discussing bitcoin". I really like the look of the images though.
I agree. I like something broader like "earn sats for sharing ideas". Or something about value for value. 🤔
Do you have any specific verbiage you’d like to see?
I’m going to make a follow-up post so that others can make their own personal media kits as well as for any given territory.
I will give it some thought.
Thanks. Would love your input.
Here's some of what I came up with as some examples when I made the prototype media kit.

Stacker.News Do Work. Earn Sats.
Stack News. Stack Sats.
Stacker.News Earn Sats.
Stacker News. It’s like Reddit but you earn sats.
Earning Bitcoin Is Better Than Getting Upvotes
Stack News. Stack Memes. Stack Music. Stack Art. Stack Movies. Stack Podcasts. Stack Sports. Stack Sats.
Lots of good ones. This is awesome.
Agreed. That was just the very first banners I had made up. I am looking for a way to crowdfund more banners for any given territory or maybe somebody from ~design wants to make some for the community at large.
nice idea, I bet territory owners are struggling to promote outside SN, maybe nostr? where else?
Bookmarked thanks!!
Images are really very cool! Amazing work!
Thanks a bunch. Hopefully we can get a lot more made so people have lots of options.
Updated version here
my last sn design, not a meme but... i hope u like it, cowboy
Well done @Jon_Hodl, let's see if we can improve it somehow