@nickteecee and I were discussing iOS development yesterday. I gave him the old, "back in my day we programmed iOS apps in Objective-C, before automatic reference counting, and without using the autorelease pools that never really made sense!"
I then made the unhinged claim that Objective-C was the earliest popular Object Oriented Programming language. While that's debatably true, Obj-C came into being only a few years earlier than C++, both were preceded by SmallTalk, and SmallTalk was preceded by Simula.
I'll spare you my full rant about the overuse of OOP, which provides fantastic utility in very specific applications yet infects every programmer with a desire to use the pseudovisual object metaphor where it makes no sense. Instead, I'll leave you with this two-part talk from Alan Kay, who co-developed SmallTalk at Xerox PARC, titled How to Invent the Future1:
This talk was given as part of Stanford CS183F: Startup School taught/organized by none other than Sam Altman then president of Y Combinator. The Stanford course would later become Startup School, which is sort of one-part course, one-part YC training camp. ↩
terminalpower command line.inventpredict the future is to create it lol