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This is because there is an even bigger hurdle that must be overcome for effective resistance to manifest. Most ‘ordinary’ people are trapped in a childhood version of submissive obedience.
That is, most adults are incapable of doing anything beyond the adult equivalent of the powerless complaining about an injustice that they learned to do as a child.
After all, whether or not it is consciously realized by any adult, the primary purpose of ‘socialization’ generally and punishment specifically is to terrorize the child into submissive obedience of ‘higher authorities’ in the child’s life: parents, teachers and religious figures. This is done so that the future adult will be submissively obedient to employers, the legal system and other state actors as well as (for some) military officers. See ‘Punishment is Violent and Counterproductive’……..
In essence, effective resistance requires strategically-oriented action and that is inherently frightening to most people. It is ‘safer’ to do something ineffective (that is, confined within the ‘permissible’ range) rather than to take action that will make a difference but likely incur punishment (such as a fine or prison sentence for civil disobedience).
Sayonara!!! With the psychopaths in charge we will all end in a nuclear crisp! They even say that this is a wonderful result ‘cause religious reasons!! We are caught in this trap because we will not take the actions necessary to stop the insanity due to FEAR. Good luck!!!