This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
What is a sexy way to hodl bitcoin?
Does anyone use multiple lightning wallets on iPhone? when I open a lightning:invoice url it only allows me to open the link in the most recently installed app. I can get around by copying the invoice but does anyone know how to make it so I can pick which app I want to open it in?
@k00b have you noticed someone gaming the reward system by always being the first to upvote a new post but only spending 1 sat?
Upvote rewards take into account trust, so if they’re upvoting everything their trust will be lower and they won’t get much in terms of rewards.
Maintenance is done. Literally finished 20 minutes before I said I would (but actually expected to finish hours ago).
The news are absolutely insane. I cannot believe what is happening.
time for some social media fasting
Strange world we live in. COVID was going to be temporary from the start and didnt warrant much intervention from the government. But they did a-- comprehensive.. strategy, defacto forcing people to get an experimental vaccine, even locking down most of the economy at one point, printed trillions of dollars to cover for it? and forced people to wear masks. For something that was gonna be temporary.
Now we have inflation, and from the first sign of it, the government bas been like, its temporary, dont worry, it will go away. We dont have to do much.. But its thte exact opposite, with COVID they shouldnt have done much, let the doctors, hospitals, etc. take care of it. With inflation, which is always government caused, they should have done a total intervention to stop it, but they didnt, and havent so far.
Putting the final touches to my move from the U.K. to South America, closer to ES and the nimble countries likely to adopt/harness Bitcoin soonest.
Moving next week… exciting!
Making more progress in my cabin project πŸ™‚ Yesterday my friend and I managed to mount the ridge up. He's coming by for the last few days, helping out with the work at height. I also had some time to screw the plywood down to the wall frames.
Today I plan to cut the rafters and then lay them down on the ridge πŸ™‚
Have a great day ahead!
Also checking your daily progress and it's impressive. I'd like to build one for my children one day, still getting a hang of manual labor. Combined with nature, it is definitely the best way to forget about all the outside world.
Thanks! Be sure to check Larry Haun carpentry videos on youtube πŸ™‚
Hey man, I just wanted to say thanks for posting these every single day. You've inspired me to get off my ass and start my project (that I've been delaying) TODAY. 😎
Very happy to hear that! πŸ™‚ Looking forward to seeing your project updates here on SN 😎
Also look at that guy πŸ˜…
I'm currently at work but checking out what's happening on SN whenever I have a chance. This platform is becoming very addictive but atleast I'm getting sats unlike other addictive platforms. Enjoy the rest of the day everyone :)
Orange pilled one dev I enjoy working with!
Sharing my tips for onboarding non-coiners, making it fun and practical; I simply showed what real-time money transfer is and how low the cost can be.
NICE! Yeah the cost is absurdly low, especially with LN. And when people whom I sent a bit of sats to get them started tell me about volatility, I just tell them to pay some service online (IE: hosting) or change them with someone right away.
I always offer to buy it back anytime in the future they want at any cost.
Happy hodlin SN community