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I'm waiting for a dip to 3k personally. Then I am all In.
And I'm waiting below 3k then I'm all in. Lol. We can keep on dreaming 😊
I had a friend saying that a few years back..I hope she isn't waiting still..😬
I hope she's doing well. Have you got to see her recently when it went 100k?
I guess if Congress doesn't pass a funding bill by Friday at 11:59 PM that could work 😅 otherwise why take the tax charge for making money 🥴
Seriously! I never understood how these shutdowns actually work. It's not a thing in India or I just never heard about it.
People were calling Trump the reason for price rise and it's funny he's the one opposing the bill! Am I right?
I have been writing a post about wtf is happening up here at the moment. Sadly this has become a common threat since I want to say 2012 is what really seems to have kicked it off. Having only two parties and then having a divided government isn't really to common in any other government its kinda a US thing.... Also we just YOLO spending which most countries either cannot do legally or financially lol
if I could have a sat for everytime I've heard this, I would probably have more than MicroStrategy by now xD