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Meet the Bitcoin Piñata!
We think it's the first piñata ever that pays you bitcoin. Myself and a bunch of other bitcoiners bashed it yesterday in Guadalajara during a Posada (Mexican Christmas party). So much fun!
The piñata held 51 qrs: sticky paper on black foam (all bought for $2 in total at a paper store). We had 100k sats in prizes divided up like this:
1 qr code worth 22,500 sats ($22.50) 10 worth 4000 ($4) 10 worth 2000 ($2) 10 worth 1000 ($1) 10 worth 500 (50¢) 10 worth 250 (25¢)
The day before the event, I bought 1 month of service on a VPS for $5 (paid via lightning, I used Skhron) where I set up an lnbits instance and hooked it up to a phoenixd instance (I just ran both on the same server). I made the 51 qr codes using the Quick Vouchers button on the Lnurlw extension for lnbits. I loaded up the phoenixd instance with 120_000 sats (the extra 20k was for testing and to pay any routing fees incurred during the game).
I tested the setup with some of the bitcoiners at HackerGarage and it worked, so we printed the stickers on regular sticker paper, stuck them to some foam, and cut them into squares. That part took about ten minutes. Then we just filled a custom-designed piñata with them and let people bash it!
I am pleased to announce that all the sats were redeemed within 1 hour. This was partly because we informed everyone to use a wallet that supports LNURLw. We got this list of them:
Alby, Balance of Satoshis, BitBanana, Bitkit, Blixt, BlueWallet, Breez, Clams, CoinCorner, coinos, Fountain, LifPay, lipa wallet, LNbits, LightningTipBot, Mash, Muun, Phoenix, Pouch.ph, ShockWallet, OBW, OneKey, ThunderHub, Wallet of Satoshi, Zap Android, Zap Desktop, Zap iOS, ZBD Discord, ZBD Extension, ZBD Telegram, ZEBEDEE, Zeus
Which we got from here:
So what do you think?
that's really fun, I wish I was there!
Everyone you’re with now in disbelief
well I was alone, so were they in disbelief at being nonexistent
I wish you would reply to my last question on Slack 👀
bud i don't know what you're talking about, send again
deleted by author
Oh, didn’t get to see your message. I guess you thought I meant you.
I can also ask you a question on Slack if you want haha
I got to try this at my next birthday party
You should! I couldn't believe how easy it was. It took like two hours of time to set up the node + lnbits + ssl certificate, and like ten minutes to print/apply the stickers. And the cost was super low -- $5 for the VPS, $2 for the foam and sticky paper, and I'm not sure how much the piñata costed (someone else got it) but it might even have been home made. (Piñatas are apparently very easy to make.) The only real cost was putting money in the qr codes, and even that was cheap, we decided on just $100 to fund them. Everyone can do this for any bitcoin-themed party!
The piñata was custom made for us and was like 10-15 usd
Bitcoin meets tradition, chaos ensues. 🌐✨
This is so funny.
Love the guy halfway through who just hits it like a freakin baseball ⚾
What a cool idea!
ha ha ha.... they are fighting over paper, and it's really exciting to see a game like this, I hope there is a game like this in my area, and the lucky ones get lots of sats prizes.
Simply amazing!!! I’ll be sharing this. My best friend is Mexican and does piñata’s for every kids birthday 🎉 !
I mean who needs candy anyway? It’s garbage Fiat food, right?
Pretty cool!
Did the kids know anything about bitcoin? Did they need to have their own LN wallet?
there were about 20 people there. About 10 of us are deeply into bitcoin. The rest were somewhat familiar and have even come to a couple of our other bitcoin events, but it's not their primary interest. It was basically "friends and friends of friends."
Everybody needed an LN wallet that supports lnurl withdraw. Two of the people had Aqua which apparently doesn't support lnurl, so their wallets failed on the first try. But within an hour, they had redeemed their qr codes. I didn't ask how they did it, but if I had to guess, I would guess they asked someone else what wallet they used, and it was probably wallet of satoshi, so maybe they downloaded that, then redeemed the qr codes, then sent the money to their Aqua wallet. Or maybe they just asked someone else to redeem theirs and then send them the money. I'm not sure.
I don't know of anyone else who had any issues. Happily, all 51 qr codes were redeemed within an hour.
In the video they scanned 2 QR codes and it took them to a phoenix wallet to redeem the sats. How long did you set the invoices for? 1 week?
yeah, I set the withdraw codes to expire if not used after 1 week
That's so funny!
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Looks like you had a lot of fun!