As a founder building a Bitcoin product, COIN was very good regardless of how you feel about coinbase. It spends more time telling the story of Armstrong building coinbase, which started as a custodial Bitcoin wallet, and Bitcoin generally than it does on altcoins, Web3, or anything else.
It's mostly
  1. a portrait of a founder building a product and massive company in a new tech space
  2. an exploration of the tech leap that Bitcoin represents
There are things to disagree with obviously, like the parts where the freedom-first nature of Bitcoin is falsely attributed to everything in the altcoin space. Or, where defi engineers claim building another wall street is changing the world. But it's a minority of the content measured by either time or intent.
Again, I wish it would've spent more time exploring Bitcoin and what it does for the world, and less time abusing Bitcoin's halo, but for builders in the space it's worth watching.
4/5 would recommend to bitcoin builders
I am going to check it out this week!
I've been looking forward to watching it, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be available in the UK yet.
So this Armstrong character can see the value of ₿, creates a company around it, and then when he tells his story, charges dirty fiat for admission. So weird what success does to some people.
Will definitely check it out, thanks dude.