Just saw this, thanks @nout.
Just a little context: this was a site ran by @dolu, but it's been dead for a while so I took the initiative and revived it, maintaining the existing/old bid history.
This is my first LN project - was fun to learn how to spin out a node and accept LN payments non-custodially.
I want to do something like this for "ads" on SN eventually - a sat based auction for an above the fold banner. It's a really nice example of how to design something like this.
FWIW I hate ads and would pay to not see ads :)
It's worth more than you think! I could definitely add some ability to pay a nominal amount of sats to turn off ads for a period of time.
Either way, this is not something that will ship anytime soon. Just half-baked thoughts right now.
Oh yea, was about to suggest that in #762 but then thought ads could go against the spirit of this whole thing.
How about you set up a faucet with the sats earned through ads? That'd be cool.
I think ads aren't against the spirit necessarily. I think a traditional ad network or fiat ads would be, but having a sat-based auction likely only participated in by cool bitcoin companies would be consistent. It'd be a way for the site to generate a trickle of cashflow. Everything is subject to user feedback of course but we'll see.
The faucet idea is interesting. Users get sats for exploring ads you mean? I like that idea. Kind of like $BAT but with real money.
Users get sats for exploring ads you mean?
Nah, I meant as two separate products. You'd have ads say on the main page, and a faucet @ stacker.news/faucet. The faucet helps non-lightning folks to get started and you'd fund that with the ad proceeds (so that it's not charity).
Ah I see. Yeah I like that idea!