pull down to refresh

Thanks @PictureRoom for the inspiration? #851142
  • Brew a pot of coffee and drink 2 cups BEFORE I’ve even been awake an hour @NovaRift #850069
  • Turn on Bluey to placate and numb my screaming children
  • Use the toilet (jk I’m on SN!)
Actually the FIRST thing I do is rollover to kiss my wife good morning, but she interrupts me to ask:
”Honey, how much territory revenue did ~HealthAndFitness get last night? I’m just dying to know! You’re such a shameless uptail woof woof to found a territory!” #850882
You’re such a shameless uptail woof woof to found a territory
hahaha Did you say your wife got on SN?
That’s how you know it’s a joke.
I’m still working to get her onboard with Bitcoin!
She at least knows I’ve been on SN… a little!
You know, they have coffee makers that you can set on a timer. Makes life a bit easier.
I didn’t come here for solitions
Just validate my feelings!