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You run this on the server, right? How can you prove that you are running this file and not something like
function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) { if (Math.random() > 0.9) return 16; return crypto.randomInt(min, max+1); }
I can't but you can check the hash and salt
Well, that doesn't really help much, right? You just give me a hash of 16+salt and then I can confirm that I indeed got 16.
Yes, you can, if you think that 16 is coming more times them usual, try your luck....
100 sats \ 9 replies \ @nout 15 Jan
And where exactly do you return the number+salt ahead of the bet? In the responses I only see the last number, but I have not found any response that would actually return this field?
You can go to menu->Spins