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The through line and story are pretty whack, but the animation is beautiful and has some really fun wow moments. This was the first time I've watch the movie which is affiliated with the magazine. It's raunchy, both sexual and violent, but relative to modern media it's only slightly less tasteful and intentional about it. I tend to not indulge in much high production adult animation because most of it is anime, and anime tickles my undiagnosed autism with its hyper-human faces. But, it turns out, I can handle American adult animation without the same problem.
Most of the movie is hand drawn, which is so labor intensive you have to be in awe of it, but it also features some mixed media and was made around the time animators started experimenting with computers. Our favorite story in the anthology, So Beautiful and So Dangerous was done by Angus Mckie who is known for doing early work with computers:
I might give the sequels a shot. I give it four out of five meat morsels on the k00bimeater:
I haven't seen it. Thanks!
Coming of age stuff for me