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Earlier today the Democratic Party Elected a new Chairman for the Democratic National Committee in Minnesota State Party Head Ken Martin. I honestly am not sure I could think of a worse job or time to join given the Democratic Party's enormous power void and the complete and lack of structure to fix it. Who is in charge or the leader of the Party? There was no one after Biden with Harris's "attempt" if we want to call it that being tone deaf and just an awful presentation to the American people.
Ken Martin in his running to be the DNC Chair highlighted the huge branding issue that Democrats have and while identifying the issue is key addressing it and fixing it is a huge huge issue. In DC right now the Democratic Party is clearly fractured when you compare Dem Senators and Dem House Members but even within those two chambers. There is a clear lack of what Pelosi was able to do in getting her Members to come together and stay together and this issue isnt going away. A clear example is The Squad who are a bunch of antisemites and there attempt to gain more power this Congress. These Members are a clear break from normal common sense things and cast the whole Democratic party in a bad light due to what they say and who their audience is.
It will be interesting to watch over the next year or so and see if they are able to come together and actually put up resistance to President Trump and Congress or if they continue to infight and thus fall apart.
I saw the clip where every single DNC chair candidate said Kamala lost because of racism and misogyny. It seems like this party can't move beyond this ideological commitment that's making introspection, and thus self improvement, impossible
i saw this headline describing him as a 'party insider' id guess it will change nothing as what they need is a perceived outsider to change their image and rival Trumps diverse popularity. i guess i dont know how important this 'position' even is though.