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I have been reading a lot about "Coast FIRE" recently and how it is mathematically possible to have enough in your retirement accounts that without any additional contributions, your net worth will grow to support retirement at a traditional retirement age.
Is there a number for you where you will say "yeah that is the number I am shooting for in BTC" or is it too early to tell? I ask because eventually you have to start using your BTC to fund your retirement/lifestyle, but this seems harder to do the math on than Coast FIRE.
Hard to know, but I suspect anyone that has say 40-50 BTC can live indefinitely off their savings and have net worth continue to grow.
Nice try fed.
As long as I'm mining fiat I'll be trading some for sats.
Probs too hard to tell. Too young and asset; too unpredictable future macro
If you think about the Fire number with the FIAT Hat on, the Fire number is 25 times your annual expenses. If you a mass that amount of fiat, you supposed to be able withdrawing 4% of it and keep your life style.
There are many calculators online to help you to find your number. All of them are wrong, no ones know what would be the BTC value in the future...
So, I prefer to stack SATS as much as I can.
I have read somewhere that if you have 0.01 btc, you will have more than the average person and that should propel you to being wealthy.
If China continues to advance its strategy to displace the US as the predominant global economy any conventional estimates of potential retirement funding should be considered redundant. And it is.
Check out this site, it may help you (or others) come up with their number. Of course, it all depends on the assumptions on price appreciation, which is an unknown. But at least you can model out different scenarios:
So much depends on the pace of adoption and how far out you are from retirement. Someone posted a neat chart of this, but I can't find it now.
I think the figure for retiring relatively young, today, was in the tens of bitcoin. However, if you weren't planning on retiring for another 10 years, it was in the single digits.
I'm trying to workout something similar: What bitcoin income will I need to be able to quit fiat mining and make it until I can withdraw my retirement funds?