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Hey All - I've been in the Bitcoin space for about 5 years and noticed something fascinating analyzing my buying behaviors (without even realizing it).
I have casually been buying since I got into Bitcoin, but looking at my historical transactions I realized I have been buying heavier when the market is going up, and more light as the market falls.
I now know why people say just DCA and forget about it. I'm sure some of you guys have 0 buys when Bitcoin is high and large buys deep in the trenches. Curious have you analyzed your buying behavior? What have you noticed when it comes to extremely large pull backs (20%+)?
I only DCA once per month.
I think I need to change from the 1st of the month to around the 10th of the month.
I think this would insulate my DCA buys from all the other activities that happen around the 1st of the month.
My theory is:
  • lots of buying around the 1st of the month drives the price up temporarily
  • after a few days prices drop due to less demand
For times like this though, where we see huge draw backs - do you ever thing it is good to dive in early, or is your structure this consistent? If so - very impressive. I buy spot here and there about a dozen times a week.
is your structure this consistent?
Yes, it's automated and fairly large.
The timing during the month may not make a difference when large swings are still happening like now.