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We had our school project today! Alternative Money! Boy was it a blast!
74 kids got 3 blocks of BTC crash course!
  1. block what is bitcoin?
  2. block why bitcoin?
  3. block how to use bitcoin?
Everyone got a wallet with 5500 sats!
Thanks to donations this project was possible!
The kids loved it and had so many questions! It was a fabulous day at school for them and for us! We did a quiz at the end and 13 kids earned another 4000 sats each!
All the zaps will be donated to the children in the next class on Friday as a reward for answering questions correctly.
dude Bitcoin-blankets out his own face, but doesn't care to protect his students. WHAAAT?!
Also: Did I miss the donation round for this? Where do I send the kids sats?
That's not me in the picture, I took the picture!
We ran a donation round on our local bitcoin meetup and raised 320,000 Sats.
ah, nice nicenice!
(just looked like you, I guess!)