If you look at the gaping hole in defence spending between the Europeans and the Americans, it becomes clear what political decision the Europeans will have to make if the USA withdraws its defence umbrella: they will have to tax the productive classes more heavily and push them into poverty, which will severely damage the economy and, above all, their social machine, the vote-buying institutionalized by the welfare bureaucracy, will have to be curbed considerably.
The reality check is imminent for EU Europeans. Of course, we could also come to our senses and seek negotiated solutions on a cooperative partnership basis, for example with the Russians, the world's largest supplier of energy and raw materials. But whether the parasites in London, Brussels and the other capitals of the European Union are in a position to do so remains in doubt.
Social unrest will break out in Europe the moment a growing army of dependent welfare recipients realizes that their welfare is being printed with watered-down money. The reaction of the Europeans is likely to be the usual one: burden the productive class more and more, continue the robbery either through taxes or with the money printer as long as possible.
The rent seekers in the bureaucracy are too powerful to vote them out of office. At the same time, the propaganda machine of the far-left Brussels socialist state is likely to be running hot, spitting out ever more bizarre narratives to keep the masses quiet and distract them from the reality of the European Union.