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Create your bitcoin key without electronics or microchips for unparalleled security. No operating system means your private key information is safe from hackers and malware.
Randomly assembling 256 bits into the eight slots converts real-world entropy into a number that cannot be duplicated.
You basically insert metal pieces representing 1s and 0s into the cylinder shaped thing's slots. Then they have spreadsheets for generating seeds/public keys:
Create public keys and receive addresses via any offline and secure tool, including this website's free example spreadsheets, without exposing your key to internet-connected devices.
Definitely a bit whacky but pretty fun.
38 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scoresby 1 Mar
Cool to see different ways to get randomness.
How far would you trust the randomness generated by a device like a laptop, phone, or hardware wallet?
I wouldn’t trust it at all, now-a-days. They have broken some of the ”random number” seeds using the fact that these random number seeds are generated by the random number generator on the chip. They are not completely random. Anybody that claims that the seeds generated by a machine are random is kidding you. As for security, it may be lacking because of them breaking 256 bit.
This looks like it could be random though. You may be able to get the same result by putting 10 dice in a box and pulling them 256 times where 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 =1 then using that number to use as the seed.
That thing looks like a kind of puzzle, at $285, I guess I’ll pass and use the dice method It looks very nice though.
I think the Mises’ book is his regression theorem book, if I am not mistaken. Great book!
Very cool, but I don't think was a good idea to sore a key. Too easy change definitively it. The risk to loose all is very elevate.
Very cool piece for one's desktop.
Until I have a nice classy house with a classy den, I will have to stick with my SeedSticks
The irony that it's on a von Mises book...
Love the books underneath. I have a few of those in my collection.
Bookmarked this one. Very interesting.