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Lyn Alden shared this.
The executive summary:
The desire to reform the global trading system and put American industry on fairer ground vis-à-vis the rest of the world has been a consistent theme for President Trump for decades. We may be on the cusp of generational change in the international trade and financial systems.
The root of the economic imbalances lies in persistent dollar overvaluation that prevents the balancing of international trade, and this overvaluation is driven by inelastic demand for reserve assets. As global GDP grows, it becomes increasingly burdensome for the United States to finance the provision of reserve assets and the defense umbrella, as the manufacturing and tradeable sectors bear the brunt of the costs.
In this essay I attempt to catalogue some of the available tools for reshaping these systems, the tradeoffs that accompany the use of those tools, and policy options for minimizing side effects. This is not policy advocacy, but an attempt to understand the financial market consequences of potential significant changes in trade or financial policy.
Tariffs provide revenue, and if offset by currency adjustments, present minimal inflationary or otherwise adverse side effects, consistent with the experience in 2018-2019. While currency offset can inhibit adjustments to trade flows, it suggests that tariffs are ultimately financed by the tariffed nation, whose real purchasing power and wealth decline, and that the revenue raised improves burden sharing for reserve asset provision. Tariffs will likely be implemented in a manner deeply intertwined with national security concerns, and I discuss a variety of possible implementation schemes. I also discuss optimal tariff rates in the context of the rest of the U.S. taxation system.
Currency policy aimed at correcting the undervaluation of other nations’ currencies brings an entirely different set of tradeoffs and potential implications. Historically, the United States has pursued multilateral approaches to currency adjustments. While many analysts believe there are no tools available to unilaterally address currency misvaluation, that is not true. I describe some potential avenues for both multilateral and unilateral currency adjustment strategies, as well as means of mitigating unwanted side effects.
Finally, I discuss a variety of financial market consequences of these policy tools, and possible sequencing.
60 sats \ 1 reply \ @nichro 5h
Very interesting read. Had to re-read some parts a few times, and other parts slower because (fiat) economics can be so thorny to grasp sometimes, but overall good read.
I wish someone like Lyn would ELI5 this stuff on some podcast soon.
Anyway when I read these kinds of writings on macroeconomics I can't help but think of this meme, every single time. (even if it's not always about the Fed)
On a more serious note, I wonder if these ideas will ever make it to the surface of the current starting trade wars. I feel like all the discourse I see in my local media and social networks is just surface level stuff.
"Trump doesnt know what hes doing! hes dumb!" "He's mean, we have to fight back!" "We stand up for our country, let's tarriff too!"
A lot of press conferences have been very COVID-esque: we'll be sticking together, there will be some pain coming, we stay in solidarity, tighten our belts for each other, government will be there to protect us and help, etc. etc.
Bob Murphy recently had a podcast episode devoted to Optimal Tariff Theory:
I'd be really interested in reading more about the tariff ideas. From a quick glance at the full text, these aren't just ideas pulled outta the air either, they're citing a bunch of academics. Really useful, because a lot of people ask me what I think about Trump's tariffs, but that's not my field of expertise. Probably worth devoting a few hours of my time to reading up on this.
I just finished skimming through and this is a very good primer on trade and tariffs. I know the trade stuff much better than the monetary stuff, so maybe it goes off the rails there, but I doubt it.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @TNStacker 9h
A second Trump term is likely to be even more forceful than the first when it comes to reconfiguring the international trading and financial systems.
Sounds interesting. I'll give it a looksie, when I get a chance.