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Markets are known to move before politics creates a fait accompli. If we look at the flight of physical gold from London and also from Switzerland to the USA, all the alarm bells should be ringing for us Europeans.
And we are also seeing a clear movement of investment capital out of the European Union in locations such as the USA. Is capital here trying to tell us that the Europeans' sabre-rattling against Russia could ultimately lead to a hot war between Europe and the Russians? Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump is open to European companies locating in America, better tax policies, less regulation and an overall much more stable outlook than the Europeans can offer. Capital is moving fast, with capital controls and the iron fist of the Brussels bureaucratic state already looming on the horizon. There is only one way out for us small fry, who can't even change continents easily, to preserve our financial freedom and sovereignty: to flee to the most neutral of all states and locations, Bitcoin cyberspace.
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I’m surprised more capital has not left Europe sooner. If Ukraine joins the eurozone then the euro will collapse.
The Sabre rattling will not lead to a hot war or World War Three because everyone knows Europe is bluffing. This is what saber rattlers do.
Hope You're right. They will be broke before they even field a serious cohort of soldiers anywhere
Exactly. They will be broke before boots on the ground assuming they want to assemble a force.