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By Douglas French
In Los Angeles, if you want your home or business protected from fires, you must hire concierge firefighters. Such a prospect isn’t just for Hollywood elites anymore. In fact, private firefighters step in when government fails.
Our neighborhood has hired a private patrol car. We're not a rich neighborhood, not a gated community.
California's failures have become so bad that people are turning to the libertarian solution. The only problem is they still tax us.
Chicken or the egg: Do you defund the police before or after funding private police?
I think the easiest path is to offer tax exemptions or credits for spending on services like that.
Probably would be too easily gameable/abused, but I agree in principle. Just like I think homeschoolers should be able to get a refund on their education.
wonderful to see a return of this.
Hashtag Stringham's California example in Private Governance (...or may be that was police patrols?!)
I see these private services in a positive light—whether it’s firefighters, police, or even healthcare. The latter is already partially available.
After all, when tragedies occur, citizens help each other, forming a private assistance network. This happened in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and also in Los Angeles during the recent wildfires.
Added to that, there’s also private investigation and legal defense services. I understand that we use public services because we pay for them through taxes, and this will only change locally, district by district or municipality by municipality.
Private arbitration and security have been increasingly common in the US.
Privatize everything. Its amazing what good ole competition does.
I would think the first step is just removing whatever barriers to entry currently exist.
Exactly. For a long time I have believed the best option is to just build alternative systems to the violent state run monopolies. Slowly build them and slowly people will gravitate toward systems that function better. Taking the state on head on is not gonna work. You need to build alternatives and allow them to grow. People are too ideologically blinded to just accept what the state is. But they want better things for themselves and their families.
You see it with tutoring programs that are private companies to make up the gap of the terrible public system. You see it in security forces and so many other areas. You see it in countries with socialized medicine. The wealthy have private health care. Why? Cuz its better.
News flash. It sucks to be poor. Making a privately run society will not change that but it will allow for more to get out of poverty. It sucks to be poor today in the current system.
27 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 5 Mar
I remember the news about the LA fires, there were a lot of celebrities that have their own fire systems and firefighters to protect their houses.
It's very common for the rich to not rely on public services. If only they didn't help force public services on the rest of us.