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Tell us your good news story of the week! Good news/win or good story Best one as voted by top wins the sats Sunday lunch time!
Last weeks winner #907288
2,000 sats paid
Onlygoodnews's bounties
Recently we were visiting friends. their son turned 5 years old and we always buy him bitcoins for 20-50 dollars as an addition to the gift.
The account is gradually growing and I think this year we will pick up the pace and replenish it for Christmas and other family holidays that we celebrate together.
Great share! You are the winner! Enjoy the sats
Wow! Awesome!!!! Thanks!!!
Will also feature in next week’s round up post!
This week I spend, I could open the first autocustody channel in LN for my daughter, I did it with "Phoenix."
He is 8 years old, and learns super fast, is incredible as absorbed information and tries to talk to me about inflation, Fiat coins and other things with which he hallucinate, at that age I had no idea about those issues. (Themes he has heard from me and Tuttle Twins - Bitcoiner cartoons)
There SATS keeps that it allocates from tables for savings, SATS that he wins playing in THNDR GAMES, and some SATS that I make him win in dynamics that we do at home. In this way I seek to teach him about Bitcoin, the savings and that does not grow with an expense mentality as I did, but with a mentality of savings and there is nothing better than Bitcoin to learn from savings and carry out the activity.
Was the emcee for my school’s Awards Day yesterday. Received good feedback. One colleague even called me the soul of the ceremony xP
I'm taking my 7 year old son to Washington DC for the first time for spring break?!