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Ok, I tried and put it he question in the title of the note and answer in the body, but it didn't work
I also tried putting Day #248 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon in the title and dead xmen in the answer
Am I doing something wrong in public note ?
You have to put the answer to the question in the public note to reveal the nut
Apologies for the endless questions, I can't be the only retard lol
I open public note , in the question filed I pasted in the question, and in the answer field I put the answer and nothing happens
You put the answer to the question into the title. If the answer is right, the note will show up as "cashuB...". If nothing comes up, the answer is wrong.
Ah gotcha, unfortunately nothing is coming up so I must have the wrong answer.
Can't see the bots beating this any time soon!
If you click on the image, then the ... on the top left, then view original, the URL contains the answer. The first letter should be uppercase, all others lowercase.