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Here's a reality check: You’re at home, relaxing, when a sharp knock on your door jolts you upright. Your mind races. Is it a friend? A delivery? Or could it be something darker? Someone who knows you hold bitcoin and wants it for themselves?
Holding bitcoin is powerful. It means true monetary freedom. But it also puts a target on your back. Unlike traditional bank accounts, there's no fraud protection, no insurance, no customer service to call if things go sideways. When you hold your own keys, your security is your responsibility. So how do you make sure a $5 wrench attack remains just a meme and not your reality?
Casa’s Emergency Lockdown feature is another powerful tool. With a single push, you can instantly shut down access to your wallet, making it nearly impossible for an attacker to steal your funds. After the threat is over, report the crime.
Against an attacker that has a rough idea of how much funds you have, and is willing to torture you for hours until you're dead, this may be the wrong strategy. If you prefer surviving without funds to being dead with funds, that is.
Just because you can't give up the funds doesn't mean they believe you and stop.
You're right, you never know what kind of person you might run into. In my opinion, a good strategy is to have a wallet with some bitcoin and hand that over. Minimize the losses!