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report from bitcoin city Austin TX
In the last week, flocks of people traveled to the city of Austin for all that SXSW (whatever that is) had to offer. And sincerely, what is "south by south west"? You are supposed to speak about it as if you know, when in reality, I find that nobody knows (I have tested this). My best explanation is that it is a marketing parade. I could explain further, but it would be a digression. To the point at hand, among this crowd were bitcoiners coming in for Startup Day and Bitcoin Takeover by @PlebLab and Bitcoin Park, two days of presentations, lectures, announcements, and other community events (parties). As a community member in Austin, I want to express thanks to everyone who traveled to share their time with us. It was an awesome event because it was attended, so thanks. My contribution was to moderate a panel with @k00b, @benthecarman, and another guy (who often appears on SNL but is so good at privacy that I can't think of what nym he uses on SN??). I asked these nerds (wizards) about lightning, like what did it promise, what happened, what have you learned from it, what stage is it in, who is it for. The results may surprise you (a recording might be posted some time in the future). Another part I played was to take Jippi to the streets. Jippi is the Top Builder Season 2 Winner! Download the app for a fun, innovative way to learn about bitcoin. (...maybe this is an ad). Anyway, I walked Congress Street in downtown Austin entertaining people into a state of interest about Jippi and bitcoin. I did this because Jippi's purpose is to go to the culture, therefore it belongs on the streets, or anywhere that people are. Also this week there was a secret Stacker News Live party but I missed it because I was hungover, regretfully. Many other things happened, but in short summary, I had a great time. Much love to other participants and friends. I'm having a blast faking my interest in computers with you. (Not really.. sort of.)
yes, I did write some poetic lines about this weekend, here they are
Nature conforms to my desire when I walk through the park in the spring. Everything is perfect for life and life is so fun.
I love to see my friends once every six months though we live in the same city. I love when they ask me, “what have you been up to?”
When my friend asks me, “what have you been up to?” I expound upon variations of: "chilling, making art, having fun."
I don't believe me when I say it but it must be true. Yes, having fun is important to me. I am in the pursuit of having fun while I live.
"This is the point" Everything in life is fun when you give it a chance to be amusing. "you go out in the world and you look, and it presents you interesting things."
Sounds like you have been keeping busy 👍
oh gosh, I sure have been. But I still check in with your blog regularly!
Wait, isn't SXSW just a music festival? That's what I always thought it was.
it was once, I'm sure, but today the engagement frenzy cancels that out a bit imo
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 18 Mar
Maybe the answer to what it means to be @plebpoet is having fun
surely it cannot be stated so easily. I'm also drama.