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It was seed oils!
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It's interesting why this one history topic and one diet/health topic have such a huge overlap.
Good indicator to show that these topics aren't driven by factuals and evidence. They're driven by being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
I think there's a kernel of truth there but also your take is bit broad and lacks some nuance. One can be contrarian and this allows to be open to heterodox views that most people would not even consider. There's no question that for many you are correct. But you could say the same for those that hold orthodox positions. They are just trusting the authority figures and have never looked at either subject with any evidence based approach.
What I have seen over the years is that people see one area where they had their mind changed. They feel that they were deceived and this breaks a trust they had in authority figures. This is a fork in the road. Some will begin questioning many things and start following any contrarian view without critical focus. Other will do the opposite. They will look at issues with a critical eye realizing everyone has an agenda and something to peddle.
What you are saying is bit of a straw man though it has a kernel of truth. There are weak minded people that just follow the crowd and ones that took one too many red pills.
Not sure I follow. If you are saying many that harp on seed oils don't know what they are talking about... then yeah.
Are seed oils good? Nah, they aren't but they are part of many issues with our modern diet.
I said neither of these things.
There is a huge overlap between people who talk about seed oils all day and people who don't believe Oswald killed JFK. This is weird because one is a nutritional topic and one is a history topic.
I see. This is why I asked :)
It was a Lone Canola Seed
It was a bad seed, that much is clear. But was there a second seed?
Lol, 🤣! The bee has nailed it.
I knew it.
Distractions. Stay stacking sats.
downvote me if you must, but BabylonBee is such unfunny cringe trash. Where is the joke here?
Oh thats, right, BB never has any actual jokes or deeper meaning. its like the onion if you removed all the satire, humor, timing and actual issues, and had a simple mind.
I will admit, this isn't their best work. But is it safe to say you are more on the left side of the political spectrum then? I don't look at their feeds every day, maybe they have slipped but they used to be hilarious IMO. Also like the Onion. Especially in the early 2000s.
I have nuanced views across the spectrum. The right vs left dichotomy is tearing things apart (Lisa)! I generally don’t agree with BBs beliefs, but I try not to let that influence my judgement of comedy.
Good comedy isn’t left or right. It pokes fun at anything. Good comedy teaches you something.
For sure
Makes sense