Error: error initiating protocol with https://undefined
I posted a lightning invoice in the withdraw screen and I got that error. Invoice is created with Muun wallet.
Just adding a personal data point: I just tested withdraw using a different wallet and it did work successfully.
Side Note: Thank you lightning network. I would of never done a test on L1 but on L2 I can do a test for zero fee.
Obligatory: Muun is an on-chain wallet that uses a security model that is outside the specification for the Bitcoin protocol to create the illusion of LN transactions
What I did was this:
Withdraw -> Lightning address -> paste the invoice there and specify custom amount
It seems there is no way to get a "lightning address" from muun wallet, you can only create a lightning invoice where you specify the amount of sats you want to recieve. I created an invoice and it worked perfectly.
You likely put your invoice in the lightning address field rather than the invoice field. That's the only way that message would have appeared. Muun does not support LNURL or lightning address.
I just tested with both Strike and Muun and it succeeded.
SN does not support 0 amount invoices currently. When using Muun, you'll need to specify the amount when creating the invoice using "invoice settings."
Yes this is exactly what happened, it's my mistake. I thought it would work the same as with BTC transactions.