Just shipped editing. This was more work than anticipated for something so simple but we've got it.
Editing is timed. You have 10 minutes after submission to edit and after that your post is permanent. I think this model is satisfactory. It roughly models what HN does which I feel works well.
The next few things that are top of mind that I'll be hacking on next:
  1. improving notifications (see where sats are coming from, etc)
  2. reviewing/merging the few remaining PRs
  3. sat transfers - tips and referral rewards
  4. dark mode
  5. better user profiles - bios, laser eyed profile photos, and sat activity
All feedback/advice welcome. LFG!
edit: This is an edit!
Amazing work! Thank you for building this, it's a great resource and really showcases how cool lightning has already become. Can't wait for dark mode B)
Edit: nice
Dark mode is one of the most requested features. It's going to be a pain to do given the way the comments work and stuff, but I want it too!
The ninja-edit button is godlike. So good.
Cool feature! That timer makes you rethink what you typed.
I like it a lot. - Jim Carrey voice.
Makes you question your comment, and whether it provides value. Bravo!
Sweet, but perhaps a good idea to get rid of the timer?
Why get rid of it?
I implemented it so that you don't put in a bunch of time editing something that you won't be able to change in time.
Thank you! By the way I really suggest everyone who wants a dark mode to install https://darkreader.org/ whereas the current SN is wonderfully simple and compatible (looks good) with it…
very cool!!! can't wait for the new features to ship πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
edit: cool edit countdown!
Yeah buddy! Ship is sailing.