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Kagi Small Web posts directly surface in Kagi search results. ... Hi everyone, My name is Vlad, and I am the founder and CEO of Kagi. ... We are the creators of Kagi Search [1], a unique, ad-free, privacy-respecting search engine that gives ... In addition to Kagi Search, we're developing the Orion Browser [4], a fast, zero-telemetry browser and ... Kagi Small Web [5], a platform designed to surface voices (personal blogs) that are otherwise not heard

My favorite private search engine, Kagi, just added the ability to pay via either on-chain or Lightning

Ideas for what Kagi could build - e.g. embedded Nostr search in Kagi, a Lightning wallet in Orion, a ... I got the opportunity to speak with @vladquant, the founder of my favorite search engine, Kagi! ... in April https://stacker.news/items/502409 You can listen on Fountain, YouTube, Apple, or Substack Kagi ... inevitably leads to low quality service for the user Vlad’s manifesto: The Age of PageRank is Over Kagi ... beefy relay Kagi’s collaboration with Stephen Wolfram and Wolfram Alpha Vlad’s skepticism around “the

Kagi is a paid alternative to Google search, without the annoying ads and the ability to block certain

Naturally, I did a Kagi search and it seems they have a tool called Sidekick. ... I just recently came across Kagi from this post (https://stacker.news/items/899953) and I am in love ... With Kagi, If I want a specific resource to always show first or maybe just higher in the SERP, I can ... I feel like it will take a while for Kagi (a paid search engine) to gain traction and momentum but I

For more information on Vlad and Kagi, click here.

Been off G for years, then DDG, then Startpage, now trying Kagi. I like the idea of paid search.

Using bitcoin to create physical constraints in digital space The future of Stacker News territories Kagi