This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Tried posting the "CB removes bcash support over low usage" on r/bitcoin and it was removed because it mentioned an altcoin.
Contacted the mods, they stood their ground and doubled down. They claimed it was no longer relevant to bitcoin and that bitcoiners would not be interested in knowing about nor discuss it.
I guess SN and bitcoin twitter proves them wrong. Reddit is becoming a dying medium.
I did another interview today after work. Seems like a good company so let's see if they follow through with an offer. They already came out better than the last place I went to which actually offered me less money than I make now. I'm not made for employment. I'm hoping to retire by 40, and by retire I mean sail the seas doing odd jobs
Sounds good to me Godspeed brotha!
Good morning stackers hope all is well and back to the grind haha shake off that food coma and get after it!!!
I feel like making top posts has become quite more challenging. 21 comments, many positive, some discussion but only <300 upvote sats. Maybe I'm writing worse but I feel like it's part of falling fiat price and general sentiment in the community. Bummer.
My attempt at stable diffusion bitcoin art
That's great.
It's funny how technology evolves. Up until recently, I figured that art would be one of the last fields for AI to conquer given how abstract it is. Who knows where we'll be 5 years from now.
It's really scary- new mindblowing breakthroughs in AI keep coming out ever month. Art work is deflating. Internet will be flooded with AI driven dialogue, deep fakes. Good luck to teachers trying to grade essays. Will be interesting to follow for sure.
lol, nice
edit: it even got the logo correct, understanding context like this is impressive - or it was up until quite recently
But will it blend?
Some stats after each 5,000 items.
SN Item #100,000: Nov 28, 2022 (12 days since Nov 12, 2022) 417 / day
🍾 100000 items!
Big congrats @k00b and to the community. You've built something really cool here.
I've been taking a deep dive into Stoic writings recently. For many years I've taken a Stoic approach to life, work, and relationships, but ingesting the thoughts of some of the most prominent philosophers brings a new sharpness to the way I'm thinking.
More relevant than ever. As Marcus Aurelius wrote in The Meditations: “Is one vexed when one encounters a thorn bush in the road? Is it not the nature of such a bush as designed by god to have such thorns? Then why art thou vexed by the clown world and its citizens? Thou can only stack sats and stay humble”
Philosophy can make dull topics interesting and amplify the meaningful stuff. Don’t go full stoic though lol
Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, is my favorite of those.
I used Geyser Fund to start funding my newsletter called La Hora Cripto, where I talk about bitcoin weekly in a educational way. Set-up my node was really fun and pretty easy I must say.
I built a kickass LN node and it's gorgeous. I still have some thing to polish before I feel confident to show it to the world and ask for connections.
Looking forward to seeing it!