pull down to refresh

Three customer personas:
  • Merchant
  • Shopper
  • Node runner
Three device types to explore:
  • Point of sale device
  • Bolt card type payment token with shut off or biometric auth
  • Hardware to manage private key of lightning nodes
Yes, for safer LN custody, unsure if some hardware device would make sense, given the transactional nature of it. It will probably need some smart-phone enabled process, potentially compatible with VLS work https://vls.tech/
I like the BoltCard concept, maybe with some additional checks
Since lightning is broken af I say they stay on chain for now guarantees the most security don't fix it if it ain't broken tick tock next block
I don't know how that would even work. I say once your business is dealing with larger amounts to bitcoin maybe incorporate a liquid and or bitcoin hardware wallet.
The Ledger Nano already has it. It could be something similar, I guess.
I don’t think they have integrated lightning.
I'm afraid I was wrong. I misinterpreted that info. Sorry!
No problem! That is confusing lol. What is “light assets” 🤣
They done exposed my email and they're dead to me.