A Tanka Poem about Stacker.news:
Bitcoin forum, oh so bright Stacker.news, a beacon of light Upvote with satoshis sent Through the lightning network, spent A community of crypto enthusiasts.
didn't count the syllables, but sounds legit (if you can forgive the "crypto")
"Write a convincing 300-500 word essay on why Ethereum should be considered a security and not a commodity":
Ethereum should be considered a security and not a commodity for several reasons.
First, the investment of money in a common enterprise with the expectation of profit from the efforts of others is a key characteristic of a security. This is evident in the case of Ethereum, as many investors have purchased ether, the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network, with the expectation that the value of their investment will increase over time. This expectation is fueled by the activities of the Ethereum Foundation, the centralized governing body that controls the development and decision-making for the Ethereum network, as well as other stakeholders who contribute to the growth and success of the network.
Second, the centralization of the Ethereum network through the Ethereum Foundation is another factor that should be considered when determining whether Ethereum is a security. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, which are decentralized and do not have a single governing body, the Ethereum Foundation has significant control over the direction and development of the Ethereum network. This centralization means that the success or failure of the Ethereum network is largely dependent on the actions of the Ethereum Foundation and other stakeholders, which creates an investment opportunity and the potential for profit.
Third, the use of Ethereum as a platform for initial coin offerings (ICOs) further supports the argument that it should be considered a security. Many ICOs are conducted on the Ethereum network, and these ICOs often involve the sale of tokens that are essentially securities. The fact that Ethereum is a key component of these ICOs and is used as the underlying platform for the sale of securities reinforces the idea that Ethereum itself is a security.
In conclusion, Ethereum exhibits many of the characteristics of a security, including the investment of money in a common enterprise with the expectation of profit, the centralization of the network through the Ethereum Foundation, and its use as a platform for the sale of securities. These factors, combined with the potential for profit from the efforts of others, make a strong case for considering Ethereum a security and not a commodity.
Digital currency, oh so rare Bit by bit, it grows in value A new way to trade, with no need for trust Bitcoin, the future of finance
No more banks, no more fees Bitcoin lets you be your own boss Send money with just a click No borders, no limits, it's a dream come true
The world is changing, fast and fierce Bitcoin leads the charge, a pioneer Anonymity, security, and freedom A revolutionary force, unstoppable and wild.