We need to orange pill him and many other boomers, because they will bring in the real BOOM. The millennial millionaires are not that many and not that rich. The old-timers got the real money bags. Once the boomers FOMO, then it's mars not just moon!
He can't be orange pilled. No one has gotten more attention from the community than Schiff. He has decided that trolling bitcoin is his hobby now. Engaging with him is like wrestling with the pigs.
I don't think so, we have to accept people will want to bet against this sea change, that's a free market, people taking their bets and they need to get burned before they learn
If you care about the fiat price of bitcoin you're missing the point. I'ts about moving purchasing power to people who are ready to properly allocate the collective claims on the worlds productivity
At this point, is "trying to orange pill him" introducing more people than just him accepting bitcoin?
just a thought.. is bitcoin going to just do its thing organically and people will naturally see the value in it?? I mean Monopoly money just can't last.. Right?
Went to a local bitcoin meetup and tons of older dudes getting after it! It was awesome to hear their perspective.
But anyway, yeah bitcoin is super cool.
You could orange pill them but its not worth the effort. We are inevitable.
Yeah, I agree with all your views, I just think that we should show compassion towards him as if he is genuinely not getting it (even if we know he is trolling, already holding). We should believe he will eventually get on board and bring in a lot of confidence for bitcoin from other boomers. Boomers will really boom it and yeah it'll happen when the market deems it, but maybe if we diss less and keep posting convincing arguments, we just might get a convert.