Appreciate the effort to leave your feedback. Would you elaborate, in your own words, on how the message should improve?
First tell me, why do you assume that
they can't see the Venezuela/Lebanon/Turkey currency debasement problem
all of them are sore of the outrageous inflation
As mentioned right before it, there's a "cognitive dissonance" problem. In their mind, the Dollar or the Euro will never suffer debasement - not because it cannot, but because they won't allow themselves to believe it
What they have is short-termism or high time preference. It's perfectly normal to be worried that Bitcoin would go down - after all, it went from $69K to $17K, why shouldn't they be worried about that?
There are two angles to approach this - one is long-termism, saving for 10+ years. Another is insurance against hyperinflation - after all, the $ debasement has already happened, it's just not fully reflected in the prices yet.