"Medical School" can be substituted for whatever degree you got (or tried to get).
Schools have inflated their cost so much that it's barely worth the bother.
As investments go, school is hit or miss.
Bitcoin however is the best performing asset of all time and will always be. This is because Bitcoin has the lowest supply inflation and nobody can change Bitcoin's rules.
Altcoins change their rules whenever it suits the people who control them.
You don't typically pay for 4 years of tuition all at once.
App needs some polish.
fuck fiat healthcare.. leave the system, who is John Galt?
As someone who went to medical school (and was previously without debt)... let me just say that is one ghetto ass website calculator LOL.
Medical school is not a terrible financial investment, compared to other careers. You do have to delay a lot.
It mostly a bad time investment. The hours, physical and emotional costs add up.