Hey @k00b! When we were starting the company, we had a pretty broad mission in mind of helping bitcoin adoption in some way.
The first thing we thought of was probably the most obvious - building another on-ramp to help onboard the next wave of bitcoiners.
(This was also a natural fit for us given the background of the team - with fintech / asset mgmt experience).
For a few reasons we didn't end up going too far down that path. The main one was that when we actually went out and starting talking to 'pre-coiners' and trying to spread the bitcoin gospel a bit, we realized we didn't really have all the tools necessary to have those conversations well.
Specifically, people would ask us to help them compare exchanges, media sources, etc - all the stuff you think about when you're new. And while we could answer individual questions, we felt we needed something more scalable. And something that was less reliant on our own personal preferences.
That got us thinking about this idea of a 'vertical search engine' for Bitcoin