I hear TOR has been under a constant DoS attack.
I've been struggling to connect to robosats.
What do you think of using a VPN instead of TOR?
VPN does not provide privacy due to the vpn provider will always be able to intercept and gather data.
  • I2P
  • Freenet
Might be more viable solutions someone with better experience need to fill in here for me.
If TOR is too slow for you, like the other commenter mentioned you can use a VPN but you're just moving the trust assumptions to another company especially when you're paying with something like a credit card for your VPN thats a database entry that can be mapped with your traffic
You can try using something like tunnelsats but you'll need to have bitcoin first lol catch 22 for some people
If Tor is too slow for you, support it with a donation: https://donate.torproject.org