As much as I love Bitcoin, its volatility can't be denied. If you don't have the time to ride the rollercoaster for a decade at least, I think it's reasonable advice to stay out of it or have a tiny position.
So if grandpa has just a few years left, and has a bunch of money he wants to spend on himself, I wouldn't advice him to buy Bitcoin.
On the other hand, if grandpa wants to leave a tip for his grandchildren... I think Bitcoin turns into a reasonable option again.
It all boils down to time preference I guess.
bitcoin is for everyone
No. It's not for them. I also would not recommend it to anyone with disposable income. Again, bitcoin was not intended for them—stats to the people. Instead, tell a stranger they should buy bitcoin. Then run away. You'll either be that mysterious person who changed their lives or another crazy crypto dude.