Some of you guys like this, but I found it underwhelming. I feel like Rob got lost in his narrative here. We get strung along with several tweets framing megawatts in cyclist terms to only to be served a hasty conclusion of, "technology... who'da thunk it? thanks, electricity."
Its true
All we take for granted in the west is forgotten about.
We need to at least acknowledge & show appreciation for all we enjoy
The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
🚨Let's talk about the humble Megawatt (MW).🚨
Everyone throws around MWs of power as if it's nothing.
20 MW here, 50MW there, #Bitcoin miners are popping up like weeds and eating all of your MW.
But how big is a MW at human scale?
A 🧵
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