can we have a FUD-o-meter reading on that?
That being said, fuck them CEX, the sooner they collapse the better
The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
BREAKING: ​Binance's alleged crypto audit failed, not even its auditor would vouch for it

The thread continues:
Mazars said it performed its work using “agreed-upon procedures” requested by Binance and that “we make no representation regarding the appropriateness” of the procedures.

And one of the Quote Tweet replies:
You thought the FTX collapse was big...

And, another Tweet, related to some degree:
I know of at least 7 @binance executives that have left the firm in the past 60 days. 🤔🫣
серьёзно? посчитать не реально... сейчас я +1000$ через 2 минуты - 2000$...как это работает?
Also see another post, found here on SN, where shared is a WSJ article on this:

And the following post is possibly related as well: