the fact that there are 5 comments with 5 different answers tells me the winning solution here probably doesn't yet exist.
Big opportunity for someone to build self-hosted merchant tools for billions of people.
Could also see Square making some big moves in this arena soon.
Or making some big moves into this arena;-)
Slide #7 of SN Pitch deck:
Marketplace/commerce oriented substacks
But I've no idea if there's anything in progress. Do you? Or does @k00b have anything to add?
Nothing in progress yet, but it's definitely something we'll be exploring.
My first crack at this will be when I start selling SN merch. We'll see.
the winning solution here probably doesn't yet exist.
It exists. It's called Amazon, it's called Shopify, it's called eBay, and it's called Alibaba.
They just aren't onboard with bitcoin and LN yet. Shopify is the closest, as they allow some bitcoin payment processors. The others, don't hold your breath.
The problem with self-hosted is ... where are your customers coming from? The online cart and payments are pretty much the tiniest problem for e-commerce. Getting listed in the search results on Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc. are why merchants use them.